

Saturday, September 11, 2010

My Inspiration!

I am asked all the time about what inspires me, or motivates me. The answer sometimes surprises people, but truth be told- being on an expedition where i get to share an adventure with youth adventurers who are out there with is the real deal. Seeing their faces, seeing them accomplish something so incredible- at such a young age really stokes me.
It took me till almost 30 to figure i needed to do something to change my life, took me till 35 to realize that we are ALL capable of the extraordinary. Seeing someone at 17 figure that all out is truly awesome.
I am really pumped for Amazon. I'll bring the memories of the Baffin and Tunisia youth expeditions with me.
BTW- keep your eyes peeled here. In the coming days i'll let you know what Kev Vallely and i are up to this January. A la South Pole and Siberia....its going to be wild!