

Sunday, February 19, 2006

4 days to go until Libyan Challenge !

Today was off from training which is good because I am sleepy !
Still getting gear together. Everything together so far weighs in at under 8 pounds. Not bad considering I have 8000 calories plus sleeping bag, mandatory gear and clothing, medical kit, etc.
Have to glue my shoes together to keep the sand out. I have a system that works really well- I used it in Sahara Race and Trans 333. Once I figure out how to get photos up here I will post it so you can see. I am using the same pack and configuration of gear I used in the Sahara Race- but each race I learn how to make stuff lighter- which is good because I'm really not that large framed!
Training fro me for this one has included some really, really long runs in cold Canada winter conditions. Great heat training !
Most notable run was a 50 km long run in Newfoundland a few weeks ago. My fiancee lives in Harbour Grace and she gave me a route to run along the ocean. Insanely hilly, freezing rain and a full pack- loads of fun !
Trying to keep up the good nutrition and doing lots of altitude training as well. I'll talk more about that tomorrow.
After I run !

Saturday, February 18, 2006

5 more days to libyan challenge

5 more days to go and I am definitely tired training for this one. 190 kms of running non-stop in the Libyan desert with water checkpoints every 20 kms. It will no doubt be crazy ! What saddens me and worries me even more is that my friend Charlie who I was supposed to be racing with was unable to obtain an entry visa to get into Libya at this point. Seems it's tough for Americans to get in there right now. He is an amazing navigator and very strong- now I'm off on my own. I have a few days to learn how to use the gps so I don't get lost. Spent this weekend getting my gear ready. You need to carry everything to survive for 4 days- which is the cut-off time to get through. I have a little over 8000 calories comprised of bars, gels and dehydrated. The coolest piece of gear I am using this time is a sleeping bag that my buddy Jacob from Denmark got for me . 385 grams. Light. I will post again soon. Check back tomorrow. My website address is www.ecofitadventures.com