

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Passion and Possibility...

This past year has seen such huge growth in awareness, not only for impossible2Possible, but for young people and the impact that they individually can have on our planet.  Never before has my belief that we are all capable of the extraordinary been proven with such intensity. So may great stories of inspiration and dedication from our youth, volunteers and our dedicated supporters. i2P is managing to bring people together globally and bring them together under the power of spirit, generosity and strength, all of which are signs of the current love we have for something in our lives that is challenging, something that is socially responsible and something that we can be inspired by and then go forth and inspire others with.  It's amazing.  Supporting youth to come together as a team, real or virtual, to work together and support each other emotionally, mentally and even physically...is what impossible2Possible is.  Supporting each other and learning, achieving, inspiring as a team...all to make a difference. Again, amazing!

Some additional events that were pretty awesome, which took place over the past year were having the opportunity to deliver a Keynote Speech to The University of Ottawa from 3000 Ft in the Andes Mountains and the first issue of our i2P Newsletter .  Both are fantastic methods, using today's technology, for spreading this driving passion we all have for education and adventure.
I’m so excited about the years ahead and all the great adventures and opportunities for empowerment that are being put into place.  Our youth, in the classroom and out in the world, are going to be presented with opportunities beyond their greatest expectations.  Opportunities to challenge themselves and their peers to make a huge difference socially, as well as individually, all with the power of their own amazing abilities and some guidance from the i2P Team.  I’m stoked to be there to support them in these life changing adventures and to travel the globe with them and face, head-on, the issues that are important to us all.
Continuing to offer youth this opportunity to realize that everyone can achieve what may seem impossible is my greatest passion – we are all capable of the extraordinary!   Seeing that moment on a young person’s face, when they come to this realization for the first time, is the power that fuels me!  When I'm somewhere like the south pole where it's -65 degrees Celsius and the winds are enough to crumble you, or in the Death Valley where the temps are enough to melt the soles of your shoes, with ironically the same crippling winds...it's the knowledge that we are seeing youth all over the globe accomplish extraordinary things an push themselves mentally and physically beyond all boundaries, that pushes me through thinking 'I can't take another step'! 

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